

Thank you for joining us in the United Prayer Room. In this room, you can share your prayer requests, pray for others, see how many times others have prayed for your requests, and learn how God is responding to our prayers.

By submitting prayer requests and praise reports, you are acknowledging that you are over 14 years old and are giving consent for Ozark Mountain Legacy (OML) to post the prayer requests and responses online, on our social media, and in emailed prayer lists. OML has the right to edit all information submitted to ensure the proper level of privacy and decency is maintained. Prayer posts are moderated according these guidelines, so please allow up to 24 hours for your requests to appear.

In the United Prayer Room, we invite people to pray to God as a community. This is a place to connect to others by praying for needs and seeing how God responds.

We want the United Prayer Room to be a welcoming and trustworthy space for all. When submitting requests, please:

  • Keep a community focus in mind; while our main priority is prayer for Stone and Taney Counties, we also want to remember needs in our state, our nation, and other countries
  • Respect the privacy of individuals by not giving last names or identifying information
  • Do not post hyperlinks, ads, spam-like content, copyrighted material, or content – including political content – that OML deems inappropriate
  • Remember the importance of posting praise reports of answered prayer; this encourages the prayer warriors and allows us to thank and praise the Lord for His responses

As we follow these guidelines, we honor God, respect each other, and strengthen our community. Thank you for participating in this ministry.

Thank you for joining us in the United Prayer Room. In this room, you can share your prayer requests, pray for others, see how many times others have prayed for your requests, and learn how God is responding to our prayers.

By submitting prayer requests and praise reports, you are acknowledging that you are over 14 years old and are giving consent for Ozark Mountain Legacy (OML) to post the prayer requests and responses online, on our social media, and in emailed prayer lists. OML has the right to edit all information submitted to ensure the proper level of privacy and decency is maintained. Prayer posts are moderated according these guidelines, so please allow up to 24 hours for your requests to appear.

In the United Prayer Room, we invite people to pray to God as a community. This is a place to connect to others by praying for needs and seeing how God responds.

We want the United Prayer Room to be a welcoming and trustworthy space for all. When submitting requests, please:

  • Keep a community focus in mind; while our main priority is prayer for Stone and Taney Counties, we also want to remember needs in our state, our nation, and other countries
  • Respect the privacy of individuals by not giving last names or identifying information
  • Do not post hyperlinks, ads, spam-like content, copyrighted material, or content – including political content – that OML deems inappropriate
  • Remember the importance of posting praise reports of answered prayer; this encourages the prayer warriors and allows us to thank and praise the Lord for His responses

As we follow these guidelines, we honor God, respect each other, and strengthen our community. Thank you for participating in this ministry.

Please add your prayer requests and praise reports using this form. They will be posted within 24 hours. By submitting posts, you are agreeing to follow the United Prayer Room Guidelines.

I prayed for this

Prayed for 34 times.

Kathy Osenga

As we consider, research and pray over the upcoming elections let us pray for truth and wisdom for ourselves and our brothers and sisters.

Let's ask the Lord to reveal absolute truth regarding ballot initiatives that effect our schools, our children and our families. Let's ask that every hidden agenda be revealed and every lie or half-truth be exposed. Finally let's pray that God would lead His people to stand against any candidate or legislation that would be detrimental to our schools, children or families.

Received: September 28, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 35 times.

Kathy Osenga

Nationwide threats against schools on social media are increasing continually. Local school administrators, safety & resource officers as well as teachers are constantly attentive to watch for the safety of our students.

Please pray for wisdom, discernment and awareness for our school personnel and safety for our students. Pray also for God to reveal any hidden threats before they can be realized. Pray for counselors, teachers and administration to recognize troubled students as well and direct them to the help they need.

Received: September 16, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 38 times.

Kathy Osenga

Words spoken and integrity displayed to our children by those placed in authority over them have life changing effects. Coaches and club sponsors hold those important positions of influence in the lives of our students.

Let's pray for those coaches & sponsors that God will guide their hearts to speak words of encouragement rather than discouragement, words of instruction and correction with kindness. May they choose to live lives of integrity before their students and set good and moral examples. May God also strengthen and encourage them as they walk in His call to our children.

A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver. Proverbs 25:11 ESV

Received: September 8, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 39 times.

Anita VanGilder

Pray for revival in schools and colleges. As students experience the life-transforming power of Jesus, may the Holy Spirit move through the next generation, raising up Christian leaders who will impact the nation for decades to come.

O God, from my youth you have taught me, and I still proclaim your wondrous deeds. Psalm 71:17 ESV

Received: August 25, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 39 times.

Kathy Osenga

Over the last few weeks of speaking with teachers, administrators and staff from various local schools it has become evident that the source of most problems is the brokenness of many families. Whether poverty, homelessness, illness or substance abuse many families need the intervention of the Lord.

Pray for open doors of communication between Christians within the school system and parents in need. Pray that the light of those Christians within the schools would shine brightly to draw those broken families to the healing light of Jesus. Pray, too, for an awakening within area churches to see the depth of the need and mobilize to work together to minister to broken families in prayer and action. Pray for a sweeping move of the Holy Spirit in Taney and Stone Counties to heal and redeem.

Received: August 25, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 43 times.

Rev. J. Friedel

Lord God, bless all who search for you! May our beginning of a new academic year bring all students, faculty, and staff in our area to greater wisdom and knowledge...and may they find you in that search. Bless in a special way, we pray, all those who are new to our area. May we be blessings of you to each other! AMEN!

Received: August 20, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 41 times.

Kathy Osenga

This week area college students moved into there dorms and began orientation activities for classes starting August 19.

Pray for the new students to acclamate well to their new world and make good choices in friends, student organizations, schedules and outside activities. Pray for all students to walk in wisdom, discernment and focus on the important in the midst of having a "fun" college experience. Pray for the campus Christian outreach organizations to shine brightly and draw students to the Lord. Pray for the professors to be wise, know truth and present truth. And above all pray for a mighty move of God on our college campuses across our nation.

Received: August 17, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 46 times.

Kathy Osenga

As school preparations are in full swing I have spoken with various educators and received several prayer requests. One area of critical need is substitute teachers.

Father we ask you to provide workers for our classrooms; stir the hearts of qualified individuals who care about our children to make themselves available. Father we know that every opportunity for your people to touch the lives of children is an opportunity to sow seeds of your love. Help those qualified for this task to look beyond the "work" to see the reward. In Jesus' name.

Received: August 10, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 45 times.

Kathy Osenga

Proverbs 22:6 ESV

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.

Let's focus our prayer time this week on our special needs students. There is no such thing as "one size fits all" education. Special needs students are no exception to that rule. Every child needs to be understood and challenged to reach their full potential. Pray for parents to be engaged in the education of their special students, for teachers to have wisdom and creativity in creating and executing effective lesson plans and activities. Pray too for the children, that God would work in their minds and bodies to enable them to excel academically and socially.

Received: July 21, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 42 times.

Kathy Osenga

Let's pray for our new teachers for the '24-'25 school year; those who will enter the classroom as "the teacher" this year. Statistics show that in Missouri 44% of new teachers don't stay past their 3rd year. Teaching is a calling. Ask God to anoint and equip them for the task ahead to not only educate but love, encourage and help equip students for living life. Pray for God to send them friends and mentors within their schools who will help them stay the course and above all, that those who do not know Him will find Him on their journey.

Received: July 14, 2024

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