The Foundation of our Community is Prayer
United Prayer Room
Prayers from all sectors
Kathy Osenga
The winter season in the Ozarks can be hard for everyone but for some families it is made even harder by seasonal unemployment, inadequate housing and food insecurity. Evidence of this increased hardship often shows up in the emotions and behaviors of the children at school. Counselors who are already dealing with the day to day needs of many children find a significant increase in difficult and tense situations. As one counselor put it, "We're just trying to fill in lots of gaps and help not just the children but the whole family."
Pray for wisdom, understanding, strength and adequate resources for all the area school counselors. Pray too for all those families who are trying to navigate the increased difficulties that winter brings. May they seek and find God through area resources and especially the Body of Christ in the Ozarks.
Received: January 18, 2025
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