
The Foundation of our Community is Prayer

United Prayer Room

Prayers from all sectors

I prayed for this

Prayed for 43 times.

Mary West

Haggai 2:6-7 (KJV) "For thus saith the LORD of hosts; Yet once, it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land; And I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory, saith the LORD of hosts."

Father in Heaven, I pray today that You will pour out Your Spirit on our churches here in Ozark Mountain Country. Keep the mission clear so that we are not sidetracked with activities that are not centered on You. I pray that many will be drawn to the message of reconciliation in these days to come. And thank You Father for what You are doing. It's in your Name I pray, Amen.

Received: October 26, 2024

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